“Whoever believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him.” — John 7:38
Delta Force, by Randall D. Kittle


As I was praying, I saw a beautiful blue sky with a few scattered clouds. Suddenly, the sky rolled back as if it was a scroll being rolled up from the sides. For a moment I could see a wide expanse of stars, but this, too, quickly rolled back as if it were little more than a thin layer. As this star-field began to be removed, I thought I would see total blackness, but to my surprise I found a brilliant light, brighter than the sky, shining around its edges and then filling my view as the stars disappeared.

As my vision adjusted to this new scene, I was amazed at the enormous throne that sat before me. It glimmered like shining gold, but seemed almost to burn with a flashing red color, as if fire was contained within it. Around the throne was a complete circular rainbow whose colors seemed to flow out in waves — always there, yet always changing. With this, I knew I was looking into the throne-room of God.

The intensity of the light coming from the throne made it impossible for me to see the One seated upon it. But from the throne came a strong, resounding voice declaring,
“The time has come for sending forth My delta force — My agents of change — to revive and restore My Church.”

With that, I saw a vast army of mighty ones standing before the throne of God. They were dressed in white garments that shone like the sun. Each of them wore a silver breastplate which had emblazoned on the front of it a symbol made of a triangle and a lightning bolt — the symbol of the delta force. Hanging on their sides from thin, golden cords tied around their waists were gold scabbards the size of small swords or daggers. Written vertically on these scabbards was the word “ACTS.”

Once again I heard the voice of the Lord as He commissioned them to go forth,
“I have anointed your swords with the church-birthing power found in the days of the book of Acts. It is well able to cut loose the bonds of old, lifeless traditions and cut off the blinders of human-based religion. Go forth to bring reformation to My Church, for they have settled for so much less, when I have for them so much more!”

As the angelic agents of change turned to depart, they all removed their swords from their scabbards. Just as they began to depart, the view of the stars and then that of the sky rolled back into place obscuring my view.

Times Of Quick Change
In our day, God is releasing His angelic agents of change — His delta force. Upon their chest they wear a triangle (the Greek letter “delta”) and a lightning bolt. The letter delta is used in science and mathematics as the symbol for “change,” and the lightning bolt represents quickness — being “fast as lightning.” The delta force of God has His anointing to bring fast change upon the earth. The Lord is releasing them in this hour to quickly change the Church. The power God has given them is the power to set free those bound by the traditions of man, to remove the blinders of man-made religion that has captured the vision of so many, and the ability to wound the hearts of man with a hunger and thirst for more of God than they have ever had before.

Bonds Of Tradition
The angelic host of God is moving across the face of the earth cutting the bonds of old, lifeless religion and setting God’s people free. Much of what appears and is accepted as church-life in our day is not truly rooted in Jesus Christ. In fact, much of it is little more than the old ruts of faded familiarity.

This is not only true for what many in America refer to as “traditional churches,” it is common in much of evangelical and charismatic Christianity as well. Many of the traditions we blindly follow in the Church are merely done because that’s the way it’s always been done.

In this day the Lord is removing everything not built on the true foundation of His Word and His way. If you are part of a body of believers who are focused upon Jesus and fixed upon His Word, be prepared to welcome those who will be coming to your gatherings from other churches that refuse to put away the old, faded traditions of the past. Though their bondages to these tired traditions have been broken, you may still find remnants sticking to them. The delta force of God will roll away the stone and call them back to life from the deadness of religious tradition. But, like Lazarus, they may come to us with some of the old grave clothes of decaying religion still clinging to them. God is forewarning us so we will be prepared and willing to gently help them remove any remaining remnants.

We are also being told of this move of God so our hearts will be ready to accept change instead of picking up offense. It is easy to rejoice when God sets others free from the terrible trap of tradition. But when it hits closer to home and begins to alter our church and the way we worship the Lord or function as a church body, it is often a very different story. Change is always easier to proclaim to others than it is to embrace ourselves. And the Lord is bringing lightning fast change in our days, so we need to hold everything loosely while holding on tightly to Him.

Blinders Of Human-based Religion
The Lord is releasing His sword-drawn delta force to remove the blinders from the eyes of those practicing man-centered “Christianity.” They have combined the advertising skills of Wall Street with the polling skills of our politicians and applied them to the church. Their desire is to find out what people want, and give it to them.

Because they have a human-based “Christianity,” they stress the importance of not mentioning anything that might make people feel uncomfortable. So subjects such as persecution and tribulation, the blood of Jesus Christ, or hell are strictly taboo. Not wanting anyone to feel belittled, they avoid any “demeaning” call to repentance, and instead simply ask people to make a decision for Jesus, and become part of the “team.” Though they often stress social action and humanitarian outreach, they generally neglect becoming deeply rooted in the Bible, being passionate worshipers of God, and the supernatural moving of the Holy Spirit.

These “churches” are some of the fastest-growing businesses in the United States. But most of them are not truly making disciples; they are merely gaining members. A quick evaluation will reveal that most of the people in these human-centered churches are more rooted in the world than they are rooted in the Word.

As God begins to remove the blinders from people who have been part of these human-based churches, there will be a great wave of disappointment and disillusionment. Some of these congregations will actually repent and become powerful forces to advance God’s kingdom. Others will dwindle away and die, as those who have been involved either become part of another church or simply go off and pursue the pleasures of the world. A few will solidify their position and become truly apostate churches — embracing a form of godliness that brings people into bondage. We need to join with the move of God by avoiding judgment and letting God do the work. We must have hearts to pray for those who have been affected, consoling them in their disappointment and helping them become planted in a good church and rooted in Jesus Christ.

There Must Be More
The sword of the delta force sent out from the throne-room of God not only breaks the bondages of tradition and removes the blinders of humanistic church, it wounds the hearts of true believers with a faithful wound — a wound that produces a hunger and thirst for more of God. The cry of their heart will be Psalm 42:1–2, which says, “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.”

Across America a remnant of God will arise who won’t be satisfied by church as usual. From within their hearts is the understanding that God wants His Church to be like the book of Acts — alive, in love with Him, filled with supernatural power, and changing this world! They will no longer be content to sit in a pew, throw some money in the bucket, and watch the days slip away as spectators in the church of God. They will not settle for a peppy church sing-along. They long for worship. They won’t sit still for being merely a “tithing unit.” They want the giftings and abilities God has given them to be discovered and used to advance His kingdom. They will never go back to “church as usual” for they have had their eyes opened and they know that God has so much more for them. There is a new reformation coming to much of the Church in America and it is being led by God who is wounding the hearts of those He loves with a faithful wound so that the cry of their heart will be “There must be more!”

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